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At Parkview Church, we believe in serving others and making a difference in the lives of those around us. Our Volunteer Groups offer a variety of opportunities for members of our congregation to get involved in local service projects and international missions. We support many ministries that serve our community, including Blessings in A Bag, Helping Hands, Matthew 25 Ministries, Adopt a family, Traveling Playground, and Planting Seeds. Join us in putting our faith into action and serving our community at Parkview Church.


If you are looking for a church that is active in reaching out to its community, Parkview is the place for you!


Blessings in a Bag


Blessings in a Bag provides food and snacks for children in the Miamisburg elementary schools that have food insecurity.  Monetary donations only are being accepted at this time.  Coordinator:  Chris Marcott.

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Helping Hands


Helping Hands provides food to qualified Miamisburg residents.  Non-perishable food donations are accepted.  The collection bin is located in the left hallway.  Coordinator:  Melora Newsome

Matthew 25: Ministries


The work of Matthew 25: Ministries helps the poorest of the poor and disaster victims throughout the United States and around the world.

Our current Parkview ministry focus is:  Collecting items for disaster victims, Paint Collection, Mat making and two work trips each month to Matthew 25 in Blue Ash.

  • Collecting items for disaster victims:  We are currently collecting cleaning supplies.  Cleaning supplies can be dropped off in the Matthew 25 area in the left hallway on Sunday mornings or during office hours.

  • Paint Collection:  Cans of paint can be left inside the trash can next to the barn.

  • Mat Ministry:  Bag collection is suspended.  We need volunteers to flatten bags, cutting them into strips, and making “Plarn”(Plastic Yarn) by looping strips together and balling Plarn. We also need Volunteers for mat making using single stitch crochet. Someone is available to show you how.   ALL ARE WELCOME to participate on Wednesday mornings at 12:00 p.m. in the Church Foyer. Come join us!

  • Work Trips to Blue Ash:  Each month on the SECOND Monday and the SECOND Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. We gather in the church parking lot to travel together to  Matthew 25.  There are a variety of tasks; sorting clothes, mixing paint, making personal care kits, and whatever they need done at the time.   Contact Susan Orndorf for Monday and Don Fox for Wednesday transportation to Blue Ash.


Planting Seeds

Planting Seeds provides furniture, appliances, housewares, pictures or home items to help those in need.  Contact Planting Seeds for donations/pickups


Coordinator:  Dan & Tracy Ball 



Donations of gently used clothing, shoes, coats, and small household items.  Drop off donations anytime in bins located behind Threads building at 33 Lawrence Ave in Miamisburg. Donations are also accepted during Threads appointment or sorting hours, if you are in need of a tax receipt.  Parkview also has a collection bin location in the left hallway.


Check the website for open hours https://threadsoutreach

or call 937-503-2841 for more information.  

Coordinator:  JoBeth at .

Traveling Playground

The Traveling Playground Program occurs every week day in June and July from 9:30-11:30am at a different park. This program is free to all attendees, no need to register, just show up and play! Free lunch is provided on select days thanks to our amazing sponsors! We can't wait to hang out this summer with you! See below for a list of locations and times this summer.

Parkview Church typically serves at Sunflower Park on Thursdays.  We typically have 50-55 children each week.

Coordinator:  Melora Newsome



Lions Club Recycle for Sight Program

Refractive errors can be easily corrected with eyeglasses, yet millions living in low and middle income countries lack access to basic eye care services.

Parkview Church recognizes the urgent need for corrective lenses in our community.  Parkview partners with the Lions Club to collect eyeglasses for the Lions Recycle for Sight Program.

The collection box is located in our lobby.  It is accessible before and after Sunday services and during office hours.

Coordinator:  Terry Miller


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Operation Christmas Child

The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations.  


This year Parkview  is collecting shoeboxes through November 10th.  Members of the congregation can either fill boxes or donate money.  The estimated cost for each box is $50 plus $10 for shipping (total $60). 

Coordinator: Melora Newsome

Wrapped Gifts

Adopt A Family


Collection of Christmas gifts for needy families in the Miamisburg area.  Coordinators: Susan Orndorf or Tracy Ball 

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